Cet article date de plus d'onze ans.

Diaporama : le Food Art craquant de Red Hong Yi

Article rédigé par Laure Narlian
France Télévisions - Rédaction Culture
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Artiste et architecte malaisienne, Red Hong Yi mène depuis le 1er mars un projet original. Elle poste chaque jour sur Instagram pendant un mois, la photo d'une assiette créative réalisée par ses soins avec de la nourriture. Au menu : un tigre de carottes, la vague de Hokusai reproduite en riz et algue nori, ou la fameuse soupe Campbell's de Warhol en version ketchup et moutarde. Une merveille !

Allez rendre visite à sa page Instagram, jusqu'au 31 mars elle poste chaque jour une nouvelle surprise !

Day 9. "Hello there, Richard Parker!" Tiger made of chopped carrots, white radish and prunes. Serve with a drizzle of olive oil and a zigzag of balsamic glaze and voila! A fun plate of salad!"
 (Red Hong Yi - Projet 31 Days of Creativity with Food )
Day 6: "All you need is love..."
 (Red Hong Yi - Creativity with Food)
Day 7: My adaptation of "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" by Hokusai Katsushika. That's Mt Fuji in the background!
 (Red Hong Yi - Creativity with Food)
Day 8: Saw a dragon in my dragon fruit today!
 (Red Hong Yi - Creativity with Food.)
Day 11: Cambell's Tomato Soup! ...made of ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and oyster sauce! Took a while to get 'condensed' looking alright!
 (red Hong Yi - Creativity with Food)
Day 12: Giant Squid Attack! Made from squid and squid ink!
 (Red Hong Yi - Creativity with Food)
Day 13: Banksy on my plate! Made from nori and apple. What does this Banksy piece of the maid mean to you?
 (Red Hong Yi - Creativity with Food)
Day 17: Three Little Pigs - Part 3. This is how the third pig REALLY got away. He's a big Pixar fan as you can tell.
 (Red Hong Yi - Creativity with Food)

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