Marseille's deadly war between DZ Mafia and Yoda

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Trafic de drogue : quels sont les deux gangs qui s’affrontent à Marseille ? Marseille (FRANCE TELEVISIONS)
Article rédigé par Les Révélateurs - Thomas Cuny
France Télévisions
France's second-largest city is in the grip of a bloody war between two rival gangs. Since the beginning of 2023, 42 people have been killed in the city of Marseille. Former allies are now turning on each other for control of drug-dealing points. Who are they? Using social media and encrypted messaging, the 20 Heures teams investigated.

Since the beginning of the year, 42 people have been murdered in Marseilles (Bouches-du-Rhône) against a backdrop of drug trafficking. France's second-largest city is in the grip of a bloody war between two gangs. The teams from the 20 Heures counted and mapped the murders since the beginning of the year. No district seems to have been spared, especially the XIVth arrondissement. This is where almost half of all murders have taken place. This is where the La Paternelle housing estate is located, notorious for its drug trafficking. It provides privileged access to drug users and dealers. Two mafias in particular are fighting over drug-dealing spots.

On the one hand, there's the Yoda clan, and on the other, DZ Mafia. At the supposed head of these networks are two men. Mehdi A. L. heads DZ Mafia. He is known to the law for his involvement in a triple murder in the Phocaean city. Félix B. controls Yoda. He has been convicted of criminal conspiracy and possession of weapons. Bulletproof, the two men run their highly organized businesses from abroad. Allied until 2021, they have been fighting each other since last January. To recruit new members, they use secure messaging systems. To eliminate their rivals, they call in hitmen. 

Parmi nos sources

  • Nous avons recensé et localisé le nombre de règlements de compte à partir des articles de presse locale, notamment ceux de La Provence.
  • Les images satellitaires de la cité de la Paternelle sont issues de Google Earth.
  • Les images de tags proviennent de discussions Telegram et de Google Street View.
  • Radio France, émission du 19 août 2023, sur la circulation de la drogue en France.
  • Le Podcast du Parisien, Code Source, du 30 mai 2023, à propos du recrutement des jeunes via les réseaux sociaux.
  • Une précédente enquête sur les nouveaux tueurs à gages.
  • La chaîne YouTube de eL Mehdino nous a donné un premier aperçu de la situation.
  • Tous les éléments ont été vérifiés par des sources police justice. 

Liste non exhaustive

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