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Vidéo I am wealthy : tax me !

Temps de lecture : 1min - vidéo : 26min
ES I'm wealthy, tax me.mov
ES I'm wealthy, tax me.mov ES I'm wealthy, tax me.mov (ENVOYÉ SPÉCIAL / FRANCE 2)
Article rédigé par France 2
France Télévisions
They are rich, very rich. They are heirs, business founders or have made a fortune in finance… and they want to pay more taxes! They have dubbed themselves the 'Patriotic Millionaires,' and there are about 200 of them in the United States.

These Americans are privileged, no doubt, but something bothers them about enjoying their wealth: while salaries are taxed at a maximum of 37% in their country, income from financial investments is taxed at only 21%, a tax system they find unfair and unsustainable in the long run.

Millionaires who advocate for a global wealth tax

As inequalities in the United States, as in most developed countries, has been widening over the last decades, they are outraged that they pay proportionally less in taxes than the middle class. And they advocate for a global wealth tax.

Like Abigail Disney, Walt Disney's great-niece, who joined the Patriotic Millionaires club in 2011. She admits it: guilt (about being rich) is her 'fuel,' and she would be 'happy to pay 50% in taxes' on her income. She has found a new form of activism by dedicating a significant portion of her money to producing socially engaged documentaries.

A story by Olivier Sibille, Valérie Lucas, Arnaud Pacary and Harold Horoks. 'Envoyé spécial', January 18, 2024.

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